Corporate CPR represents a holistic business model and performance reporting framework for sustainable business communities. It's a guide for anyone within the business community, but especially financial officers and those in executive leadership. I aim to inspire our future leaders, university students studying business, and mentor you on a moral path to achieve contribution mission you can be proud of. I believe in providing an opportunity to challenge yourself and lift the reputation and integrity of the business world.
coming soon
about the book
morals. innovation. economic value creation.
- Corporate CPR can guide your business to achieve profits without losing sight of values and discretionary behavior. I’ve shared quotes, evaluations, and proven business practices in marketing, finance, and strategy settings. I address the role of individual businesses in the global economy by offering a new type of business model.
- My aim in writing this is to offer you a chance to transcend your success as merely a business leader and to become something greater.
training & courses
For training, webinars, coaching, and other ways to implement this business model within your company, or in your own practices, don’t hesitate to contact me. Let’s work out the most effective way to apply this to your unique business.
for individuals
To learn more about the initiative, or if you’ve already decided to join, congratulations! You’re already on the right track.
for corporates
If you’d like to be a pioneer in applying the Corporate CPR initiative to your company,
bravo! Take the next step.